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Essays in Korean Social History
Price per Unit (piece): KRW 38,000
USD 28.44
Author: Yong-ha Shin
Publisher: Jisik-sanup Publications Co.
Pub. Date: Jan. 2003
Pages: 496
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions (in inches): 9.37 x 6.29 x 1.18
ISBN: 9788942310678
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PART Ⅰ Land, Labor and Culture in Korean Rural Society 
1. Social History of Ture Community and Nongak (P’ungmul) Music
1. Introduction
2. Genesis and Transformation of Ture 
3. Organization of Ture 
4. Joint Labor of Ture 
5. Homi-modum and Homi-ssishi 6. Ture and Nongak (P’ungmul) 
7. Social Functions of Ture 8. Changing Patterns of Ture from 1910 to 1945
9. Conclusion 
2. Kwaj?n Land Reform and the Establishment of Private 
Landlordism in the Early Chos?n Dynasty Korea, 1391-1470
1. Introduction
2. The First Land Reform (Kwaj?n-p?b)
3. The Second Land Reform (Chikj?n-p?b) 
4. The Establishment of Private Landlordism
5. Conclusion
3. Landlordism in the Late Chos?n Dynasty
1. Introduction 
2. Types of Landlordism
3. Development of Parasitic Landlordism 
4. Ratio and Forms of Rent 
5. Tenure and Contract of Tenancy 
6. Tenant Management 
7. Social Status of Tenants and Tenancy Rights 
8. Living Conditions of Tenant Farmers 
9. Characteristics of Landlordism in the Late Chos?n Dynasty 
10. Conclusion
4. Tasan Ch?ng Yak-yong’s Land Reform Thought 
1. Introduction
2. Problem-Consciousness in Tasan’s Theory 
3. Discussions on the Possibility of the Ch?ngj?n System
4. Criticism Against the Kyunj?n and Hanj?n Theories. 
5. Method of Land Distribution in the Ch?ngj?n theory
6. Problems Concerning Literati, Artisans, and Merchants in the Ch?ngj?n Theory
7. Questions about Tasan’s Ch?ngj?n Theory
8. Conclusion_ 
5. Land Tenure System in Korea, 1910-1945 
1. The Basic Structure of Land Tenure System
2. Some Changes in Land Tenancy and Rural Stratification
3. Controversies on the Character of Land Tenure and Rural Class Structure 
4. Rent and Land Tenure in Transition
6. Land Reform in Korea, 1950 
1. Introduction
2. Preparation of Land Reform
3. Execution of Land Reform 
4. Immediate Achievements of Land Reform 
5. Conclusion
PART Ⅱ Modern Transformation of Korean Society 
7. The Establishment of Tonghak and Ch’oe Che-u
1. Introduction 
2. Backgrounds of the Establishment of Tonghak 
3. The Incentive and Process of the Establishment of Tonghak 
4. Concept and Intellectual Resources Ch’oe Che-u’s Tonghak Thought 
5. Ideological Significance of Tonghak
6. Conclusion 
8. The Opening of Korea and Changes in Social Thought 
1. Tonghak (Estern Learning) Thought 
2. Kaehwa (Enlightenment) Thought 
3. Wij?ng Ch?ksa (Protect Orthodoxy and Reject Hetrodoxy) Thought 
4. Tongdo s?gi (Eastern Culture with Western Technology) 
9. The Thought of the Enlightenment Movement 
1. Introduction 
2. Development of Enlightenment Thought 
3. Platform of the Progressive Party 
4. Analysis of Reform Platform
5. Historical Characteristics of the Reform Platform 
6. Conclusion
10. The Coup d’Etat of 1884 and the Pukch?ng Army of the Progressive Party 
1. Introduction 
2. The Kwangju Army of the Progressive Party 
3. The Progressive Party’s Army in Pukch’?ng 
4. The Relocation of the Pukch’?ng Army to Seoul 
5. The Structure of the Military Force Involved in the Coup
6. Conclusion
11. Conjunction of Tonghak and the Peasant Revolutionary Movement 
1. Introduction 
2. Ch’oe Che-u and the Establishment of Tonghak 
3. The Name “Tonghak” and the Beginnings of Propagation 
4. Socio-ideological Chracteristics of Tonghak 
5. The Tonghak Organization 
6. Po?n Assembly and the Development of the Tonghak Organization 
7. Theory of the Conjunction of Tonghak and the Peasant Revolutionary Movement of 
8. Conclusion_ 
12. The Revolutionary Movement of the Tonghak Peasant Army of 
1894: Seen vis-a-vis the French Revolution_ 
1. Sense of Problem_ 
2. The Four Stages of the Peasant Revolutionary Movement 
3. The Revolutionary Nature of Tonghak Peasant Movement 
4. A Combination of Peasant Revolutionary Movement

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